Communication HUB
Welcome to the Language and Communication Hub
Welcome to our Communication Hub page. Here you will find important information about what we do, our class routines, curriculum and general information.
Our Language Provision Staff:
Miss Dixon – Teacher
Mrs Isted – Teaching Assistant
Mrs Bruce - Teaching Assistant
Helen Palmer – Speech and Language Therapist
What is the Communication Hub?
The Communication Hub is an intervention programme for children in Early Years and Key Stage 1 with Communication and Interaction difficulties.
Children are referred to us from primary schools and nurseries all across Sunderland.
We are commissioned for ten places for each cohort. The placements are for up to 12 weeks and we have a new intake at the beginning of each term (Autumn, Spring, Summer)
What makes a child right for the Hub?
Children must meet certain criteria in order to be referred to the communication hub. The pupil will experience frequent and persistent difficulties with Communication and Interaction which will moderately affect curriculum access. Pupils must be demonstrating behaviours identified in Range 3+ of the Communication and Interaction element of SEND Ranges.
Children must be currently actively engaged with SaLT
(Not suitable for pupils currently actively involved with Intensive Support Team).
If you are a school SENCo and think you have a child that may benefit from a placement in our hub, please contact:
Steph Johnson, Headteacher
Adele Tong, SEND School Improvement Officer, Together for Children
Alternatively, you can go ahead and make a referral. Referral and supporting documents must be received working 10 days before panel meet. They should be sent to
Referral forms can be found by clicking one of the tabs below